A 17-year-old teen in a chaotic and confused world is sentenced to an experimental prison and learns to express herself through poetry not knowing it will set her free.


This story is told through the eyes of Kendra Williams, a young woman that struggles through the tragic loss of her mother and is constantly in the eye of the public because of her well-known father who is the pastor of a mega church. Kendra’s friends Teddy, Lucy, Dave and Tanya (the crew) venture into various unfavorable situations around Washington, D.C.

One night, Kendra and her friends break into a neighbor’s garage stealing tools for quick cash, then one Friday night the crew shoplifts at a nearby mall for some clothes to wear to the club that night. That Saturday, Kendra and the crew steal a car from a used car lot on the other side of town to cruise down to “the hangout spot.”

As Kendra’s 18th birthday has just passed, she is no longer treated as a juvenile. She is convicted as an adult of grand theft auto and sentenced to 22 months at an experimental prison for non-violent offenders. It is here that she is introduced to poetry.

The prison warden is Ms. Samantha Perez. She was hand picked to run this experimental prison by Mayor T.L. Johnson. Ms. Perez comes from a military family; her father is Commander Devin L Perez. Her father also helped rescue soldiers in the Desert Storm war. Samantha is stern and authoritative and always abides by the book.

Ms. Raven Steel is the poetry teacher in the prison facility. She invites Kendra to attend her poetry class. Kendra is reluctant to join the class because she has no interest in poetry, but the warden insists. Little does Kendra know that her life will forever be changed – all because of poetry.

unspoken wordunspoken word